International Volunteer Projects
An International Volunteer Project (IVP), also known as workcamp, is an opportunity to volunteer abroad in a local community surrounded by both peer international volunteers and local inhabitants. By working with organisations in amazing network – the Alliance – we are able to send volunteers to projects in over 50 countries worldwide set up by our partners. This partnership means that volunteer costs are kept to minimum and that the projects are locally-led and reflect needs of local communities.
You can get involved in setting-up a festival in Poland, reconstruction of a castle in France, delivering art or sport activities to kids in Spain, conservation work related to marine turtles in Mexico or a photography and journalism project in Iceland.
“The three weeks I spent in Kenya were fantastic, I was based in Nairobi at the KVDA centre. Accomodation suited me as I was in inside and managed to get a bed! Food was actually ok, we took turns at cooking and I learned from the local volunteers how to cook some traditiional Kenyan dishes. Kenyans themselves are the most friendliest and helpful people I have ever come across. They really want to look after you and always lend a helping hand.�?
For Whom?
Anyone who is 18+
and have passion for volunteering.
Europe, Latin America, North
America, Asia and Africa
From 1 week to 12 month.
Short-term (up to 1 month), mid-term (up to 3 months) projects
throughout the year are available. The peak season is between April and October
We charge £250 Sending fee to cover the administration costs of Xchange Scotland. Besides, we ask volunteers to cover their travel to and from the project, travel insurance and visa fee (if applicable). The organisation hosting the project covers the food and accommodation for volunteers. There is always an option to fundraise the money if one cannot afford to pay. Ask us about it!
How to apply?
You need to go to ‘Search for volunteer projects’ Fill in the required information and then click on ‘Search for a Workcamp’ Once you find a project that matches your interests, add it to the basket and follow the instructions.
European Voluntary Service
This is an international volunteer programme funded by the European Commission. It gives an opportunity to all young people in Europe to carry out an international volunteer experience in an organisation or in a public body in Europe, for a period ranging from 2 weeks up to 1 month. Short-Term EVS is a stepping stone for a person to gain confidence and skills. We consider EVS as a working experience in the third sector. Because of that, you can do it for a short-term but also as a long-term. If you are thinking about it, Go to Long Term Projects and find more information.

Anyone aged 17 – 30
living in the UK
European Countries, Programme
Countries and Partner Countries
(You can check them in our Q&A)
All over the year, from 6 months
up to 1 year.
EVS doesn’t cost you anything!
During your project your food,
accommodation and local travel
cost will be provided and you will
even receive monthly pocket
money. There is also an specific
amount of money to cover your
travel cost. This programme is
funded by European Commision
in order to make it accessible for
everyone, no matter where you
come from or what your economic
capacity is
How to apply?
Send us an email so we can start the administration process. We will write you back as soon as possible confirming you If we can be your sending organisation. Then, you will take a look to the official database searching for projects that suits you. In order to apply, you will need to write your CV and a Motivational Letter The next step is contact the different organisations that you are interested in.
“Having the chance to go on this experience was a life changer for me! Everyday, the first week was a challenge, the language, the work and the fact I was away form home, but then my eyes opened to a realise the benefits I would get from being there. I gained confidence in myself, I gained knowledge in the french culture and made friends for life-who I have already visited. The best part-Teaching French people the Glaswegian Accent!�?

Youth Exchanges
This programme bring together groups of young people from two or more countries, providing them an opportunity to discuss and confront issues they are interested in while learning about each other cultures. From 5 days to 21, the volunteers will participate in activities such as exercises, debates, role-plays, simulations or workshops focused on a specific topic. This opportunities are in European Countries or Partner Countries. It is fully funded by European Commision. It is an ideal first travel experience.
The themes of Youth Exchanges are very diverse and focus for example on issues related with minorities, human rights, disabilities, healthy lifestyle or employability of youth.