Youth Exchange
Youth Exchange

Youth Exchanges are 2-4 week projects for groups of young people from around Europe. Youth Exchanges provide young people with a dynamic opportunity to meet, discuss and confront various themes, whilst learning about each other's countries and cultures.
Each Youth Exchange will have the young people coming together to work under a particular theme or issue relevant to them and the exchange experience. In previous Youth Exchanges our members have been involved in, themes have included:
- Cultural Diversity
- Environmental education
- Creative activism
- Anti-Racism / Anti-Xenophobia
- European Awareness
Projects should involve groups of at least 4 young people from at least 2 countries. The youngsters must come from the EU countries or from partner countries, like Norway and Turkey.
All project costs are covered and particpants are asked for 30% towards any international travel costs. There can also be an advance planning visit for which all costs are covered. Applications are submitted in the host country.
If you are interested in being involved in a youth exchange do not hesitate to contact us. And look out for upcoming events below...
Youth Exchange - Azores - 16th-24th July 2023
Xchange Scotland this week welcomed back a group of 5 young Scots from a Youth Exchange to the Azores. The group are writing up there evaluations, but have sent photos of their time. The theme of the Exchange was environmental education and European citizenship. On the Exchange there were groups from Greece, Scotland, Italy, Turkey and the Azores - from Europe's most Easterly point to its most Westerly...!

Greek Youth Exchange - 20-29th August 2008
Xchange Scotland have received approval for an Environmental Youth Exchange in Greece from the 20-29th August. The project will bring together 50 young people from Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Italy and Scotland with the aim of promoting European citizenship and environmental volunteering.
The project will be called CINFEL - which stands for the Coastal Initiative for Non-Formal Environmental Learning.
Turkish Cultural Youth Exchange - 20-25th June 2008
Xchange Scotland is sending a group of participants to East Turkey, near the border with Syria, to take part in a cultural youth exchange. The project is being funded through the EC Youth in Action programme
The youth exchange will have include groups of young people from 4 countries in total within the Youth in Action programme. The project promises to be a very interesting learning experience for our participants travelling to the opposite corner of Europe from Scotland. Photos and reports from the project will follow...